Conferences and forums
Past conferences and forums
The ASU Lodestar Center's annual events bring together hundreds of nonprofit professionals to learn from nationally recognized leaders in the sector, to exchange ideas and network, and to gain valuable capacity-building tools.
For information on upcoming convenings, visit our main Conferences and Forums page.
APRIL 20, 2022 | TUCSON
23rd Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness

The 23rd Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness returned to an in-person format in Tucson on April 20, 2022.
The nonprofit workforce is a multifaceted one. Alongside staff members, the sector relies on volunteers as a vital part of an organization. And that workforce also spans a wide array of ages and experience. To maximize your organization's impact, retain key employees and volunteers, and build better communities, you need to develop strategies to work across and unite all segments of your human capital.
29th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Our 29th annual convening was October 28, 2021. Inclusive teams are high-performing teams. Researchers, from the Harvard Business Review to McKinsey, have found that diverse organizations are more innovative, make better decisions and outperform more homogenous organizations. Content partner Mint Lemonade helped participants understand their narratives and identities and the power of different experiences to build an "effective collective" culture.
APRIL 28, 2021 | VIRTUAL
22nd Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Volunteers make up the largest human resource in the nonprofit/philanthropic sector. In Arizona, nearly a quarter of residents volunteer, contributing $4.5 billion in service. As such it could be argued that volunteers are truly “essential workers” who make possible the mission and programs of countless nonprofit organization serving the public good. This is especially so for volunteers who serve the most vulnerable of our citizens during this time of ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic and other social conditions.
The 22nd Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness revealed the role and promise of skills-based volunteers, the essential nonprofit “workforce” for the “now and the next” in advancing community well-being.
28th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Nonprofit organizations are powered by people. It's more imperative than ever that we attract, develop and retain the talent and nimble leadership, both volunteers and paid staff, needed to fulfill our missions through times of disruption.
At the 28th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies, attendees learned and shared on topics like understanding your organization's financial health, navigating sudden changes in service delivery, digital facilitation, building teams and collaborating in a virtual environment.
The UnConference: CommYOUnity Solutions
At our first UnConference, we gave voice to key issues driving the nonprofit and philanthropic community and co-created real, innovative solutions to our biggest challenges. This was our 27th annual fall convening.
During workshops and a Solutions Collaboratory experience, attendees shared their voices and collaborated to solve problems, realize their community’s highest aspirations and accelerate social impact. The day featured David Bornstein of the Solutions Journalism Network and The New York Times; Jeff Snell, Sr. Fellow for Social Innovation at the ASU Lodestar Center and founder of Midwest Social Innovation LLC; and a diverse group of expert presenters.
APRIL 26-27, 2019 | PHOENIX
2019 West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference
The West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference brings faculty, students and researchers who study the nonprofit sector together to share and receive constructive feedback on both completed research and works in progress.We hosted the 2019 conference, April 26-27 in Phoenix.
MARCH 1, 2019 | TUCSON
20th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
At the 20th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness, March 1, 2019, in Tucson, Ariz., nearly 150 nonprofit professionals, board chairs, volunteers, funders and community partners joined us for a day of learning and inspiration.
Keynote speaker Will Hightower's opening session on improv concepts for communication and leadership got attendees out of their comfort zones, while our luncheon panel on civic leadership pushed everyone to contemplate their own roles in the community. The panel included: moderator Kasey Hill, executive director of Greater Tucson Leadership; Michael Cyrino, community relations representative for Arizona Complete Health; Emilia Eldridge, human resources information manager for Child-Parent Centers and co-chair of Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (Tucson); Laci Lester, program manager for initiatives at Community Foundation for Southern Arizona; and Joe Watson, communications director for AFSC-AZ. In the afternoon, workshop presenters included: Sadhna Bokhiria, chief operating officer for Kapoor Foundations; Harriet "Hatsy" Cutshall, senior manager for Your Part-Time Controller LLC; Heather Hiscox, co-founder & co-director of Moves The Needle; from Abeja Solutions, Laura Ingalls, chief executive officer, and Brianna Klink de Ruiz, chief operating officer; David Paddison, principal & chief analytics consultant for Impact Analytics LLC; and Todd Vigil, chief marketing officer for The Phoenix Symphony;
26th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Nearly 350 attendees renewed, refreshed and affirmed their roles in the social sector at the 26th Annual Nonprofit Conference, October 25, 2018, at the Black Canyon Conference Center in Phoenix, Ariz. The 2018 theme was "Our Resilient Sector: Learn to Thrive and Take Charge of Your Future." Along with more than two dozen workshops, the day included inspring speakers like New York Times bestselling author and visionary leader Gloria Feldt; Valley Leadership President and CEO David Brown; Julie Euber, TGen’s Manager of Education and Outreach and a board member for Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Phoenix; Angela Florez, Chief Development Officer for Valle del Sol; Kasey Hill, Executive Director of Greater Tucson Leadership; Brian Wood, founder of MARS Coaching; and Andrea Whitsett, Director of the ASU Morrison Institute for Public Policy. The conference concluded with a Nonprofit Around-the-World Fair in partnership with Valley Leadership.
MARCH 2, 2018 | TUCSON
19th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Nearly 150 nonprofit professionals, board members, philanthropists, funders, community volunteers and business leaders attended the 2018 forum in Tucson. This year's theme was "Leading in an Age of Disruption." The event featured a keynote presentation by Rusty Stahl, the founder, president and CEO of Fund the People, and an engaging panel discussion during the lunch-hour led by Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, CNP, the president of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. The panelists, who presented workshops in the afternoon, were Laurie Battaglia, Bobi Seredich, Jennifer Tersigni and Scott Thompson. Kasey Hill of Greater Tucson Leadership led a special networking activity for attendees.
OCT. 18, 2017 | PHOENIX
25th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Attendees discovered innovative solutions for building stronger organizations and impacting more communities.
The 2017 conference featured more than 20 workshops; an opening session with Tammy McLeod, President and CEO of the Flinn Foundation; and an interactive luncheon presentation with Alberto Olivas, Executive Director of the Congressman Ed Pastor Center for Politics & Public Service at ASU; Katie Smith Milway, Partner, The Bridgespan Group; Reyna Montoya, Founder & Executive Director, Aliento; and Steve Peru, MPA, President & CEO, United Way of Northern Arizona.
MARCH 3, 2017 | TUCSON
18th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
The 2017 forum featured an opening keynote session by Jeff Snell, the Chief Executive Officer of the International Folk Art Alliance, and was followed by an engaging panel discussion. Attendees heard first-hand how nonprofit organizations solved problems while building a sustainable model. The day concluded with four unique workshops.
OCT. 20, 2016 | PHOENIX
24th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
2016's theme was Make it an Inside Job: Unlocking Success by Innovating from Within, and was all about unlocking nonprofit success from within.
Speakers included Jacqueline Smith, JD, Assistant Vice President of University Initiatives, Arizona State University; Brian Spicker, Chief Program Officer, Valley of the Sun United Way; Heather Hiscox, Co-director, Moves the Needle; Karl Gentles, Executive Director, Back to School Clothing Drive, Partner, Goode Wright Gentles Agency; and Todd Hornback, Director of Community Life, DMB Associates, Inc.
MARCH 4, 2016 | TUCSON
17th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
The 2016 forum featured an opening keynote session from Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, President of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, and an engaging luncheon presentation and panel on the latest research on the nonprofit sector, “Arizona Nonprofits: Economic Power, Positive Impact” report (2016). The afternoon concluded with several unique workshops presented by our community's most influential leaders.
OCT. 15, 2015 | PHOENIX
23rd Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Along with nearly 40 workshops, the 2015 conference featured a plenary session with Neil Giuliano, President & CEO of Greater Phoenix Leadership. He shared insights from his years of experience as a nonprofit executive, elected official, book author, senior official in higher education and leader/activist.
MARCH 6, 2015 | TUCSON
16th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: All In
NOV. 5, 2014 | PHOENIX
22nd Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Nonprofit Next: Taking Charge of Change
MARCH 7, 2014 | TUCSON
15th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: The Next Generation: Building the Leadership Pipeline
NOV. 7, 2013 | PHOENIX
21st Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Solutions: Mission, Strategy, Impact
MARCH 1, 2013 | TUCSON
14th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Untapped: Innovations in Nonprofit Financing
OCT. 18-19, 2012 | GLENDALE
20th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Unleashing Human Potential for the Next 100 Years
APRIL 12, 2012 | TUCSON
Nonprofit Capacity Matters
OCT. 13-14, 2011 | PHOENIX
19th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: "Go fast, go alone. Go far, go together": Collective Impact
13th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Building a More Effective Nonprofit Sector: Strengthening Communication Between Funders and Grantees
OCT. 14-15, 2010 | PHOENIX
18th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: From Red to Black: Innovative Thinking for Generating Income and Resources
12th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Our Mosaic Sector: Strategies for Achieving Cultural Relevancy
OCT. 15-16, 2009 | PHOENIX
17th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: What's Next? Moving Boldly Into the Future
11th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Collaboration: A Winning Strategy
DEC. 4-5, 2008 | PHOENIX
16th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Philanthropy and Fundraising in a Changing World: Voluntary Action for the Common Good
10th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Doing It Right: Achieving Mission, Embracing Ethics
NOV. 29-30, 2007 | PHOENIX
15th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Mission and Messaging: Cutting Through the Noise
9th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Speak Out! Empowering Nonprofits to Help Shape Public Dialogue
NOV. 30–DEC. 1, 2006 | PHOENIX
14th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Theme: Sustainability Strategies: Healthy Communities
8th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Aspiring to Excellence: Navigating in Changing Times
DEC. 8-9, 2005 | PHOENIX
13th Annual Nonprofit Conference
Theme: Building Boards: Strengthening Communities
MARCH 3-4, 2005 | GLENDALE
7th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Social Enterprise
DEC. 3, 2004 | PHOENIX
12th Annual Nonprofit Day
Theme: Strengthening Our Nonprofit Workforce
6th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Building the Capacity of Arizona's Nonprofit Sector: Resources and Opportunities
DEC. 5, 2003 | PHOENIX
11th Annual Nonprofit Day
Theme: Inspiring Confidence and Trust: Issues and Answers for Nonprofits
5th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Theme: Developing Strategic Alliances Between Nonprofits and Businesses for High Impact: Creating Sustainable Resources
DEC. 6, 2002 | PHOENIX
10th Annual Nonprofit Day
Theme: Surviving and Thriving in Tough Economic Times
4th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
9th Annual Nonprofit Day
MAY 4, 2001 | TEMPE
Spring 2001 Nonprofit Day
Theme: Effective Use of the Media for the Nonprofit Organization
DEC. 1, 2000 | PHOENIX
8th Annual Nonprofit Day
Theme: Collaborations and Mergers Between Nonprofit Organizations
APRIL 12, 2000 | PHOENIX
Forum 2000
Theme: Board Governance: Creating a Culture of Performance
Conference 1999
Theme: The Courage to Lead and the Skill to Guide