Conferences and forums
Conferences and forums
Our annual convenings and periodic conferences are designed to stimulate thought about best practices of nonprofit leadership and management, to provide high-level training from leading authorities around contemporary issues facing the nonprofit sector, and to share the latest research findings about the sector.
23rd Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness
Our forum was on April 20, 2022, at YWCA Southern Arizona in Tucson. The forum theme was Service and Volunteerism to Build a Stronger Arizona.
29th Annual Nonprofit Conference on Sustainability Strategies
Our 29th annual convening was October 28, 2021. Inclusive teams are high-performing teams. Researchers, from the Harvard Business Review to McKinsey, have found that diverse organizations are more innovative, make better decisions and outperform more homogenous organizations. Content partner Mint Lemonade helped participants understand their narratives and identities and the power of different experiences to build an "effective collective" culture.
Contact us
Contact the ASU Lodestar Center via email at nonprofit@asu.edu or call 602-496-0500 to learn more about our events.