ASU Lodestar Center


Preeti Kamat

Changing the outlook on life: Preeti Kamat's transformative experience with Public Allies Arizona

July 24, 2024 — Preeti Kamat's journey with Public Allies was nothing short of transformative. As a dental practitioner, Preeti never imagined that a program focused on community leadership would redefine her life's purpose.

Fresh out of her master's in public health from A.T. Still University, Preeti found herself at a crossroads. She knew that her classroom teachings needed to be supplemented with real-world experiences and in her search, she stumbled upon Public Allies Arizona. This program from the ASU Lodestar Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation is committed to changing the face and practice of leadership by recruiting and training talented emerging leaders who have a passion for creating meaningful change to the community. 

Preeti was presented with three placement options, and instantly connected with Saving Amy, an organization whose mission is to resolve homelessness by creating community through mentoring, inner transformation through supportive programs, financial support and stability through employment.  

During her time with Saving Amy, Preeti was deeply involved in the "Riser Program," an initiative that provided critical support to families transitioning from shelters to apartments. "We provided everything from bedding to furniture, ensuring they had a proper living environment to focus on finding employment and stability," she explained.

The program's two-part structure allowed Saving Amy to continue supporting families even after they secured jobs, guiding them towards self-sufficiency and better neighborhoods. “It is very fulfilling to know that I have played a role in empowering these families to break the cycle of homelessness,” said Preeti.  

This role also opened up her eyes to the harsh realities faced by underprivileged communities and ignited within her a passion for social justice. One striking example that left a mark on Preeti was the hesitance of some families to accept promotions or pay raises. "They feared that even a slight increase in their income would cause them to lose vital support services like food stamps," she explained.

Experiences like these fueled Preeti's determination to create lasting change. "I really hope to work in policy development in the future, using these experiences to shape systems that truly serve the community," she expressed with conviction.

However, the path was not without its challenges. "Working for a nonprofit is vastly different from my previous experiences," Preeti admitted. "But my background in building human connections and empathy helped me navigate these new waters."

Preeti's managers and mentors at Public Allies Arizona played a pivotal role in her success. "They guided me every step of the way, teaching me how to approach complex situations with compassion and understanding," she said gratefully.

The networking opportunities provided by Public Allies Arizona were equally invaluable. "I interacted with community leaders and volunteers who broadened my perspectives and opened doors for future collaborations," Preeti explained.

Looking back, Preeti's experience with Public Allies Arizona was evidently life-altering. "It changed my outlook on life," she said. "I learned that there is always a way, even in the most daunting circumstances. We just have to find it."

For anyone considering applying to Public Allies, Preeti's advice is wholeheartedly encouraging. "Just go for it," she urged. "The challenges and obstacles you'll face will teach you invaluable lessons and help you grow as a person and a leader."

She emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and being willing to analyze situations from multiple perspectives. "Try to understand why things are the way they are before attempting to change them," she advised.

Preeti's journey with Public Allies shows the power of community service and the transformative impact it can have on individuals. From a dental practitioner to a passionate advocate for social justice, her story is an inspiration for anyone seeking to create meaningful change in their communities.

Image: Preeti Kamat during her time as a Public Ally

Story by Nyasha Mhungu, ASU Lodestar Center


Become a Partner Organization with Public Allies Arizona

Does your organization have a mission-focused project that you want to implement, but don't have the capacity to? Public Allies Arizona can help by placing an emerging leader within your organization for a 10-month internship. These Allies can help implement projects in needed areas, while they develop their leadership skills and gain experience working in the nonprofit sector. If you would like to learn more, you can join an information session to see the full benefits of hosting an Ally.