Best practices for nonprofits to assure public trust
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For a nonprofit organization to thrive, it is imperative that it earns and keeps the trust of the public. In recent years, public trust in the third sector has been on the decline due to media scrutiny of criminal activity within different organizations. There is an agreeance that exists between the public and nonprofit organizations; that nonprofits will provide services to the public in exchange for tax benefits, and hopefully, public donations. Without this agreeance with the public, the ability for an organization to thrive and fulfill its mission could be impaired. Enacting best practices to earn and keep public trust is vital to nonprofits desiring to achieve enduring results.
The following are three major categories with recommendations for nonprofit leaders to adhere to in order to assure public trust:
Updating financial documents
Being mindful to stay proactive in updating financial documents on a nonprofit organization's website as well as any third-party websites (i.e. Candid, Charity Navigator) is recommended in maintaining transparency. Offering accurate and updated 990 tax information and holding an annual financial audit with an outside accounting firm and publicly posting the results is also good practice when working to stay ahead of the curve when providing accurate insights to the agency. Consider hosting agency-wide financial crime trainings to educate staff members about red flags of fraudulent activity, how to report fraudulent activity, as well as best practices for utilizing company credit cards.
Communication strategies
Consider adjusting an organization's annual communications plan to include publishing an annual report on the organization's activities and future plans. This annual report can include statistics on how the organizations work is impacting its surrounding communities. For example, if the nonprofit is a human services organization, one could utilize the annual statewide Department of Human Services Data-book to show stakeholders how necessary the organizations work is in the community. Utilizing social media to meet communication goals and needs is also a recommended best practice. To communicate the current events at an organization and help disseminate messaging to assist in reaching as many people as possible, social media usage is recommended.
Community involvement
Having a healthy and consistent events and fundraising calendar is recommended for consistently maintaining communication and transparency with an organization’s stakeholders. For example, setting up the expectation within an organizations’ surrounding community to be regularly updated on current events is a good practice in maintaining transparency; stakeholders will know that they will be invited and updated in the spring and fall, depending on what the events calendar looks like. Another way to stay connected with the community is through building relationships with community members, inviting them to become involved with the organization and working to recruit board members. It is also a good practice to publicly post an organization’s board of directors on its website as another method of transparency.
Staying proactive and making sure that nonprofit organizations are offering the public the most up to date and accurate information possible is essential in assuring public trust. Keep these recommended best practices in mind when planning future organizational strategies when connecting with the public.
Morgan Sartin is a 2023 graduate of the Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management program at Arizona State University with a total of 7 years of professional experience in marketing, communications, fundraising, relationship-building, social media management, and nonprofit supervision and management. My career interests consist of working as a nonprofit leader who can do their part in helping others through higher education, human services organizations, and/or community services. I hold values and beliefs that building strong connections and relationships is essential to the success of the work of the third sector.
Image by Lillian Finley
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