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ASU Lodestar Center Blog

5 Ways to land your dream job using social media

Social media is useful for casual communication, but it can also be a tool for job seekers. By using social media to your advantage, you may even be able to land your dream job. Below are five strategies you can use to increase your chances of success.

1. Connect with the organizations that interest you

If you are interested in working for a particular organization, follow that organization on Twitter, like it on Facebook and try to make a connection on LinkedIn. When you connect with the organization on multiple platforms, potential employers and members of the human resources department are more likely to notice you and remember your name. Monitoring the organization's social media profiles will also keep you up-to-date on any open positions within the organization.

2. Connect with the organization leaders

Reaching out to an organization is a good start, but you should also try to connect with the organization's leaders. People in leadership positions may have the power to invite you to an interview, recommend you for a job or even hire you. Whenever possible, follow them on Twitter, become Facebook friends and make a connection on LinkedIn. Respond to their posts, monitor their profiles for signs of a job lead and do your best to build on-going, amicable relationships with each connection.

3. Interact with the organization

After you connect with an organization, make an effort to interact with it regularly. When the organization makes a post, respond with an insightful comment or question. Ask questions on your own, compliment the organization and mention it in your own posts. When referring to an organization on Facebook, remember to link to it so that those in charge see your post. On Twitter, use a hashtag for the same effect.

4. Clean up your profiles

When you connect with an organization and its employees using social media, you are putting your own profiles on display. Before reaching out to anyone, make sure that your profiles are free of anything that might offend your new connections. Remove controversial material, and make sure that all visible information is suitable for viewing. You should also remove any personal information or images that compromise your image as a professional. For example, a potential employer is unlikely to offer you a position if your profile contains profanity, social drama or images of you and your friends engaging in irresponsible behaviors.

5. Build an online resume

In addition to removing compromising information from your profiles, you should also add information that improves your professional image. In many ways, your social media profiles act as a resume when you choose to connect with potential employers. Make sure that your profiles accurately describe your educational background, experience and any other qualifications that make you an ideal job candidate. It also helps to mention that you are actively seeking employment.

If you are looking for a new job, social media can be an effective asset. In what other ways can you use social media to your advantage? 


Ryan graduated with a B.S. in Public Relations and is now engaged in social media daily. When not working social media channels, Ryan is a content writer for Your Local Security.


ASU Lodestar Center Blog