Paul Perrault

Knowledge Specialist

Paul Perrault
Knowledge Specialist, Nonprofit Management Institute

Dr. Paul G. Perrault is Senior Vice President, Community Impact and Learning for Helios Education Foundation. Dr. Perrault is charged with leading the development of the Foundation’s research and evaluation agenda and in managing Helios’ grants and project management team.

Dr. Perrault comes to Helios with more than 15 years of research and evaluation experience. Prior to joining Helios, he was a researcher at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, where he served as a lead investigator on Arizona’s Move On When Ready evaluation and as principal investigator on Yuma’s Ready Now Yuma evaluation.

Dr. Perrault received his Ph.D. in Educational Foundations and Policy with a specialization in research methodology at the University of Michigan along with two Masters Degrees, one in Educational Administration and another in Secondary Certification. He also earned a JD at the University of Detroit Mercy and a BA in Journalism at Michigan State University.

Currently Dr. Perrault serves as a Board member of Touchstone Health Services and is co-chair of the Data Impact Group for Grantmakers for Education. More recently he was selected as a fellow to Arizona’s prestigious Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy and is an alum of Valley Leadership – Class 40.